
Well now this is my first entrance into the world of blogging. I have written so many "random" thoughts down on paper over the years that I figured it was about time to get them out into the world.

I may not even write daily but then again sometimes after watching the 11:00 news at night I get fired up about things going on in the world. So this blog, in the end, will probably take on a political tone more times than not.

Simply because I am so disgusted at the way American politics are today. All of our elected officials say one thing and do another. It's not about being Democrat or Republican anymore. They don't have the interest of you and me in mind. They have the interest of Corporate America! It is a sad reality but we are coming up on some troubled times.

The financial industry is blowing up right before our eyes. The good ole might "greenback" is at all time lows. The price for a barrel of oil is at record levels. (And yet the gas companies are announcing record profits year over year) A large chunk (75 square miles or twice the size of the state of Deleware) of Antarctica just broke off into the ocean with another large chunk just barely hanging on by a thin layer of ice. Tornados are landing in downtown Atlanta. Fires raged out of control in Southern California last year. Homes are foreclosing at an alarming rate. New Orleans still has yet to be re-built but yet we can spend BILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars on foreign soil in a "war" that has no end in sight. We have reached 4,000 dead brave American soldiers in the "war" in Iraq and the fighting continues and for what?

We have candidates spending millions of dollars on elections but yet we have not solved the immigration problem, the healthcare problem, or the social security problem. Politicians are blowing smoke up each other's you know whats and not getting anything done. They are more concerned if Roger Clemens took steroids. Wasting our tax dollars to interview professional athletes to determine if they shot a needle full of steroids into their rear ends. Someone please stop the madness in Washington D.C.

Well that might just give you a little hint as to what I will be blogging about.... Until next time I get fired up. Now remember that what I write here is certainly my opinion on the happenings of the world. I am not going to be citing any sources at length. I may mention a few here and there but this is about one man's opinion, one man's beliefs, one man's convictions. That one man being ME!

Spiral Out!

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