
I left off my last blog briefly discussing the events of 9/11 that have since forged my beliefs, views, and opinions. Many people often question why I believe the things that I do, but I could ask them the same question. Most of us are products of our surroundings. How you are brought up and the life experiences you have had help shape some of your opinions on the world.

I am no different, but I have experienced both sides of the spectrum when it comes to my views on politics and religion. I am not going to sit here and tell you that my views and beliefs are 100% right. I have an open mind and can often see both sides of a debate. In the end I probably will not agree with you if you stand on the other side, but at least I will respect you for believing in what ever it is you do believe. Obiviously we all draw our own conclusions about events that happen in our world today. I know that I will always stand up for what I believe in and will always support my opinions and views with "supporting evidence". Every side always has a "professional opinion" that can denounce the others opinion. Somewhere in between both sides lies the truth. The question is do we all sit there and let things happen without questioning the events that transpire? Or do we question everything so that we do not get complacent in our lives and let our leaders "run wild" and do whatever they want to do.

If we did not have dissent in our country then we wouldn't be the United States. We would be Nazi Germany! After 9/11 happened and the "war" in Afghanistan and Iraq came to fruition I was looked on as an outcast because I questioned the government on its choices. I was told by many that "in a time of war I was to support our leaders and our troops." I grew sick of that statement and realized that by questioning everything, I was in fact, contributing to the democratic process that we, as Americans, hold dear to our hearts. Someone that dissents can still support the troops in their mission but does not have to agree with that mission. The troops are doing what they signed up to do. They are taking orders from our ELECTED leaders!

My beliefs and opinions today are completely opposite of what they were 10 years ago. I have grown as an individual and gathered information that the "liberal media" (as my Republican friends like to say) will not report on. My best resource is and always will be Noam Chomsky. He is, perhaps, the greatest intellectual that is alive today. The sad part is that he is not called upon by our own media conglomerates to give his opinions on our government or on our actions throughout the world. Simply because there would be no one that could stand toe to toe with him in a debate. Bill O'Reilly may be Harvard educated but the man knows he cannot compete with Chomsky's knowledge. Chomsky is known throughout the world as a great mind and is often called upon to deliver speeches around the globe. So if you want to get an idea of where my beliefs and views have come from you best start with Mr. Noam Chomsky. He has a brilliant mind!

Until Next Time!
Spiral Out


  People often ask me why I hold the views, beliefs, and opinions that I do. Simply because I come from a household of FBI agents. That's right my dad and step-mom were both FBI agents. My parents never pushed their views or  opinions on me. I was always free to decide for myself what to believe and not to believe. My parents did their service for the government and I applaud them for that. I've heard cool stories and some not so cool stories. I had the chance to work as a clerk at my dad's office when I was 16 which was pretty cool.
  I would say a big influence on my thought process was listening to Pink Floyd and watching The Wall. I also listened to a lot of Rage Against The Machine as well. At the time I didn't really look to deep into their lyrics and didn't realize that they were such a "poltical" band. The more and more I listened the more I understood what they were talking about. There was something far deeper going on in our world than most of us would even dare think about.
   As I mentioned in a previous blog, All Things Tool, I was turned onto them by a friend. So you pair Pink Floyd, Rage Against the Machine, and Tool together and hear what they have to say it made start to question everything. Their music led me to do my own research and branch out to things that normally I would of never known. I like to call it "Thinking Man's" music. Listening to their music relentlesly and reading Noam Chomsky opened my eyes to a whole new world.
  Let's fast forward to George W. Bush running for President. I knew the history of his father and did not like one thing he did so I was a bit scared as to what the "new" Bush would do. Also knowing that he would surround himself with a lot of his father's people. Bush wins the election and I had no idea the things his administration would be cable of. Then 9/11 happens... This is what truly sent me over the edge. Although not like a lot of Americans. Was I saddened by what I watched live on TV that day? Absolutely! Those images will never escape me nor will the escape the rest of the world.
   After 9/11, I began to do extensive readings from publications around the world. I watched all the news programs "religiously". The "official" story just didn't add up to me. There was something there that I could not wrap my head around. Someone was not (and still isn't) telling the truth of what REALLY happened that day.
   A friend asked me if I was surprised by the "so-called" attacks on our country.  My reply was (and this is before I began to seek out information) "Honestly, I am not surprised one bit. I am surprised it hasn't happened sooner." I then asked my friend, "Why do you think the rest of the world hates us?" (A question that still should be asked but one that will never be answered.)

To Be Continued.....

Spiral Out