
We have been running around the country of Afghanistan over the last eight years. There continues to be insurgents within the country that continually try to fight our young men and women, killing many of them. Instead of sending over more troops to fight this endless and useless "war", why not pull out all of our troops and see what happens?

I mean didn't the Soviet Union try to occupy the same country back in the 80's? Only to be run out by the same Taliban, (called something entirely different back then because we were supplying them with Stinger missiles and other types of ammunition), that the United States is fighting today. Here's a question that we are failing to ask ourselves: WHY ARE THE TALIBAN FIGHTING US? Is it because they hate us? Is it because they hate our way of life? Is it because they hate our ideology? Perhaps it's all of the above, but although this may sound crazy it may be because a foreign military is in THEIR country!

Think about it for a minute here. If some other country was to send troops over to the United States and they were to run around in our streets wouldn't you get a little pissed and want them gone at some point? Wouldn't you probably take up arms against the occupiers?

Now many of you out there may stop and say "well we have to fight the terrorists in their own back yard!" Come on now people if you stop bugging the damn "terrorist" in their own back yard then perhaps they'll stop bugging us? It's a novel idea I tell you. Now I know some of you are going to say that those same "terrorists" attacked us on our own soil. Well that's if of course you believe the "official" story. That "official" story has a lot of holes in it that have yet to be answered. There's a reason that there are people in the world that hate the United States. The reason is not because of our way of life or because of our capitalism. It's because "our" leaders continue to push our ideology upon other nations that could care less about having a Starbuck's on every corner or could care less about the next big hit on the XBOX 360. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, that some people in this world want to live a simple life?

The Taliban are going to continue to fight the United States military as long as they occupy their country. It's a simple matter of fact! What is another 30,000 troops going to do? Absolutely NOTHING! The only thing it will do is destroy another American family when they get the knock on the door from a Marine that says that their son and daughter was killed in action.


So I got to thinking that I think President Obama should pay me not to work. That way I could still get paid a salary so that I would have money to spend. If I wasn't really working, but getting paid not to work I would have more time to go out and spend money to help stimulate the economy.
I think a salary of about $75,000 per year would be sufficient. This salary would help me pay down my debt while still allowing me to travel around the country spending money in local economies. It would be a win win situation for everyone. Now of course this would not work for all unemployed people. It would only be available to a select few of those that are unemployed.

-- Post From My iPhone


I have not watched the entire movie as of yet, but did take a peak at the first 15 minutes. It is rather interesting and alarming! Take a look for yourselves. Riddle me this, we spend our entire adult lives telling children how bad "drugs" are for you and yet we take our children to doctors and get them to prescribe MAN MADE drugs for them......Whatever happened to allowing a child to be a child? Ohhh yeah that's right I forgot it's too much to ask parents to be parents to their children these days, so lets take them to a doctor and prescribe a "happy pill"...Yeah that's the answer......


I just wanted to share some photos of the Fort Myers, Florida Tea Party I attended this evening. It was a great experience and I hope that there are more events like this in the future. This is what America is about! I was able to talk to others throughout the event that are tired of the nonsense that is our elected leaders. 

This was not about party affiliation, but about being a concerned citizen of this great country. There is not an official count of how many attended the event, but there looked to be at least 2,000 people there. Here is a little slideshow of the event:


  When our founding forefathers began this great country they began it by creating two documents. Those two documents are The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America. These two documents were written to give all Americans certain guarantees when they were born within the borders of our country. The preamble to the Constitution contains the following: 

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

 In the Declaration of Independence it states the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

  Our founding forefathers wanted to guarantee certain things to those that came after them in order to give them a place to dream and to dream big. The word liberty is defined by dictionary.com as:

1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.
2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.
4. freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint: The prisoner soon regained his liberty.
5. permission granted to a sailor, esp. in the navy, to go ashore.
6. freedom or right to frequent or use a place: The visitors were given the liberty of the city.
7. unwarranted or impertinent freedom in action or speech, or a form or instance of it: to take liberties.
8. a female figure personifying freedom from despotism.

 There is a reason that people often refer to both documents that I am talking about as "living documents." The reason being is that although they were written over 250 years ago they still CAN and SHOULD hold true today. Even with all of the big corporations, the lying politicians, the corrupt banks, and flat out corporate greed these documents can speak to us in times of need. We can learn from these documents just as our forefathers learned from them.

The picture at the top of this blog is of course The Liberty Bell . The fact that this bell, that is a symbol for liberty, is cracked has symbolism all over it. Do we honestly believe that we can all attain liberty at some point. In order to have liberty we must have everything that the Bill of Rights guarantees all Americans! However, with that being said do we really have liberty? 

While of course to a certain extent we do compared to other countries. Perhaps the crack in The Liberty Bell symbolizes that although "liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is in fact a beautiful thing; that we will never experience true liberty as a country. Now you may think that is a cynical view of things and perhaps I should have a more optimisitic view of where we are headed as a nation and as a global society. 

However, there is a passage in the book Behold A Pale Horse breaks it down for all of us:

""One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth. And there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth." (by Delamar Duvaris as written in the preface of "Behold the Pale Horse" by William Cooper).

What does this have to do with liberty? Perhaps if that one truth was to come out and crumble the lies that we have all been told since we were kids then and only then could we possibly have liberty. Will that mountain of lies ever crumble? Not in my lifetime! And the saddest thing of all is that the things "we" (I use that term loosely since I do not agree with the spend spend spend attitude of the current administration) are doing right now are going to affect our kids, our nieces, and our nephews. 

As long is money, profits, and materialistic things are running the world we will always have greed and the struggle of power amongst politicians. Can Capitalism and Liberty co-exist? Yeah right, take a look around...... 

Sit back and take in all of the lyrics..... Absolutely amazing!

I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smouldering
Fundamental differing
Pure intention juxtaposed
Will set two lovers' souls in motion
Disintegrating as it goes
Testing our communication
The light that feuled our fire then
Has a burned a hole between us so
We cannot see to reach an end
Crippling our communication

I know the pieces fit
'Cause I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame
It doesn't mean I don't desire to
Point the finger, blame the other
Watch the temple topple over
To bring the pieces back together
Rediscover communication

The poetry
That comes from the squaring off between
And the circling is worth it
Finding beauty in the dissonance

There was a time that the pieces fit
But I watched them fall away
Mildewed and smouldering
Strangled by our coveting
I've done the math enough to know
The dangers of our second guessing
Doomed to crumble unless we grow
And strengthen our communication

Cold silence has
A tendency to
Atrophy any
Sense of compassion
Between supposed brothers
Between supposed lovers
(sometimes says "lovers" the first
time and then "brothers" in concert)

I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit
I know the pieces fit (crescendo)

Until Next Time,

Spiral Out


I was watching, Lou Dobbs, on CNN last night and watched something very interesting and yet frightening at the same time. He was discussing the push from China and Russia to go to a one world currency. 

Yes that is right! Get rid of all the currency's around the world and have one "super" currency. Congresswoman Michele Bachman asked Timothy Geithner (Treasury Secretary) if he would support such a move he categorically denied that he would support that. Bachman also asked Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke the same questioned and he also said that he would not support a world currency. (Watch for the question from Bachmann around 1:30 of the video)

Now let me take you to a meeting that Timothy Geithner had at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He states that he would be for a world currency and so would Washington. I wish I could find the video that shows him contradicting what he testified to Congress, but it mysteriously dissappeared from the CNN website. I have looked at the CFR website and of course they spin the story the way they want you to see it. If you do not know who the CFR here are a few links to get you going:

Greater Things
(More of a Conspiracy Theorist type website, but very good information)


(This is a very good place to start as it breaks down the notable members as well as corporations that are members of the CFR)

Sorry for that little tangent on the CFR, but in the end it is important to let all of you know about this exclusive membership club. My point in writing this is that we should not even be considering going to a world currency. Granted the dollar has taken a beating over the last year, but it still is "the almighty dollar". Maybe not as almighty as it once was and certainly could be worth far less by the end of the year if we keep on printing money at the rate we are. (Can you say hyperinflation???) Timothy Geithner is seeking more powers to "regulate" the financial industry. Geithner and Bernanke have "called for the formation of a new governmental body to monitor financial institutions and systemic risk." (CFR News Briefing

Oh sure just what we need a new governmental body to monitor financial institutions. Last time I check the current governmental body could not get the job done, so what makes me think that a new one will actually work. This administration is like a blow fish. They keep on blowing up the government making it bigger and bigger thinking that will solve the problem. Well eventually it is going to blow. I just hope I am not around for it. 

What ever happened to the sovereignty of the United States of America? First you take away the dollar and give us a world currency. What will they take away next? Perhaps they take away the Constitution. So long Bill of Rights! This part does get into a little bit of the conspiracy aspect, but it is more real than you really want to believe. 

Do a search on the North American Union and see what you come up with. It is all very real people. The fact that they are even talking about a world currency in the open public is scary. In my opinion this just means they are trying to desensitize us to this kind of change so that when it happens we will "welcome" it with open arms. 

These are scary times that we are living in. The sad part about all of this is that the current administration is writing checks that we will not be able to cash. I feel for all of my friends that have children because they are the ones that will suffer from all of this bailout..oh wait I mean recovery...oh no I mean stimulus crap that is going on right now. I will leave you with a quote from one of my favorite Presidents. A man that was well beyond his time, Thomas Jefferson:

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world." --Thomas Jefferson to A. L. C. Destutt de Tracy, 1820. FE 10:175

(Pay close attention to the first part of the quote in bold.)

Quick Update as the financial crisis unfolds.... Timothy Geithner has asked the House Financial Services Committee that the US needs a "SINGLE regulator to oversee the biggest financial firms." (CNN.COM) This is scary on many fronts, but the biggest reason being do we really want or need ONE person overseeing the biggest financial firms? One person with all of that power? I do not think so. Hell the head of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) knew about the Bernie Madoff scam over 10 years ago, but failed to act upon it. Do you really think that a "single regulator" would be honest and trustworthy enough to blow the whistle if a financial firm was participating in "shady practices"? Especially if that financial firm was to give a little kickback to the single regulator. What has happened to the REPUBLIC of the United States of America? Did someone clone Karl Marx and not tell us? 

Until Next Time,

Spiral Out


Just a quick post that I would like to send out to all my friends that actually read what I have to say......

Apparently those that would like to defend the Constitution, that voted for Ron Paul, or happen to own a "Don't Tread On Me" flag may be considered "domestic terrorists". Of course these are unsubstantiated claims, as I read this on a friend's blog. By this rational, that would make me a "domestic terrorist" because I voted for Ron Paul. The only man that seems to be rational in our government. Hence why he is not heard on a national level and will never be considered to be a threat to the power elite. God bless you Ron Paul!

However, if this is true it is very disheartening. I will get into more of this as soon as I am able to conduct a little research into this story. Until that happens I will give you some lyrics to a Pink Floyd song that seems to run true even in today's world......


By Pink Floyd

Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo,m he hath great power and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water.

Blasting and bubbling I fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.


Well now it has been awhile since I have written for my blog. There has been a lot going on in our country the past few months. I figured I would just throw my two cents in there for now.This blog may be all over the place and not organized very well, but I'm just letting my fingers do the typing as the thoughts come out of my head. So sit back, strap yourself in, and hold on!

When President Obama was campaigning he promised to bring "change" to Washington. How can someone bring change when all they do is hire advisors and career politicians that were part of other administrations? There is no change in Washington! It is still the same old rhetoric coming from the mouths of OUR elected officials.

For example, let us take a look at Senator Chris Dodd (Democrat from Connecticut). He denied "having anything to do with crafting language in the stimulus bill that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to keep its bonuses, Sen. Christopher Dodd admitted that he and the Treasury Department were responsible for the loophole."(Chris Dodd)

As it turns out Sen. Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, crafted the loophole (with the help of a Treasury Official) that allowed the executives at AIG to receive bonuses totaling $165 MILLION. How are we to trust our elected officials when they blatantly lie to the American people on one day and then turn around and say "oh yeah that was me." The fact of the matter is the Obama administration alongside the Treasury Department wanted this loophole in the stimulus package.

Just take a look at the article in the link above. Chris Dodd states that his comments were "misconstrued" when he said he had nothing to do with the language in the stimulus package.

What kind of values are we teaching our future leaders when current officials are able to lie right in the face of the American people. This goes far beyond any party alliances. I do not care if you are Democrat or Republican. If you are an American then you should be ashamed of these elected officials that we put into office.

The entire stimulus package is a complete joke. I am not an economist by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know a little bit about capitalism.

Capitalism: an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Last time I checked in a capitalistic society the government did not interfere in how the companies were run. I understand that we had companies fail due to the deregulation of the banking industry. The fact that some of these companies failed was detrimental to the economy and to everyone that lost their jobs. However, that is the beauty of capitalism. If you run the company the right way you may not "break the bank", but you will still have a chance to be successful.

One of the main reasons of the financial collapse is because Bill Clinton signed into law the "(Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) on November 12, 1999. This repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which "prohibited a bank from offering investment, commercial banking, and insurance services."(Glass-Steagall Act)

If these companies fail then so be it. Do you think if you owned a business and had losses in every single quarter for a year that the government would bail you out? They would more than likely laugh at you and tell you that you should of run your business better. The fact that we lived in the "lap of luxury" for so many years as the stock market kept on climbing and then one day we wake up and our 401 K has taken a nose dive is why we are upset. Did you think this could continue? There was no way a market can sustain that growth for that long. As of right now the market is trying to correct itself from all of the crap that these crooks did. Bernie Madoff anyone? (Don't get me started on him...SEC new about him back in the 90's and did NOTHING!)

Do I think that government should regulate corporations? To an extent yes they should. The sad part is a good portion of the politicians have a vested interest in many of these companies. So when the companies were doing very well they turned a blind eye their way and said continue on. Now that it is affecting millions of Americans the politicians want to pretend they have our best interest at heart. I call BULLSHIT! 

The only way that we will be able to bring change to Washington is if we got rid of EVERY SINGLE politician that is in office right now. We should not allow "career politicians" such as Dick Cheney. Every politician no matter what they tell us has their own agenda. Take a long look at Obama's administration. Take a look at George W. Bush's administration...Hell take a look at every president's administration going back to Ronald Reagan. They all have held positions in different administrations implementing their agendas at their will.(This calls for a completely new blog that I will need to get to at a later date.)

I will leave you with a quote by one of the greatest presidents of our country:

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
Thomas Jefferson, (Attributed)

3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)

-Spiral Out!