This is a continuation of sorts of my previous blog entitled "North American Union". I watched the movie Zeitgeist and must say that no matter what your beliefs are or what side of the political spectrum you sit on this is a must watch.
There is a wealth of information in this movie and some of it may surprise you while other parts may get your blood boiling. I am not going to sit here and say that I believe everything in the movie but what I do know is that it opens up one's eyes and begs to make you ask questions about what is going on around us.
My favorite book of all time is 1984 by George Orwell. In the book there are three "countries" left in the world. They are all made up of former countries. The three countries are called Oceania, Eurasia, and East Asia. Now granted the book 1984 is a work of fiction. There are many parallels in the book that we see in our own society today. As I mentioned 1984 contains three countries just as the movie Zeitgeist explains we are heading to.
First we had the countries of Europe join forces and develop the European Union. Now as reported on by Lou Dobbs on CNN he was the only "main-stream" reporter to do a story on the North American Union. The movie also mentions talks about China and other Asian countries creating an Asian Union. So with that there you have three "super" countries.
Now don't get me wrong I am all for other countries, cultures, people, etc. However, I am an American! Just because I take pride in my country does not mean that any other country is better or worse than mine. That's what makes this world so great! Is the differences that we all have amongst each other. The knowledge that we can gain from sharing our experiences in our own countries with one another.
After watching the movie you may say, "Oh it's just another conspiracy theory." And perhaps there may be some truth to that but think about it.
That is exactly what the powers that be want us to think. They want us to think that everything is alright. That they have our best interests in mind. The sad reality is that most of our leaders do not have the average citizens best interest in mind.
Will this stop me from voting in the next election? No! I will go out and express myself in the most democratic way possible by placing my vote. Do I think the cycle of politicians saying one thing and doing another will change? Probably not but I will never give up hope.
In any civilization the people reach a point when they just won't take it anymore. I am not sure if I will see it in my lifetime but there will be a revolution one day against all governments. The revolution will take us back to a simpler time where things were run BY the people and FOR the people.
I know there can never be such a thing as a Utopian society. There will always be conflict in the world but do we need to kill one another in order to resolve the conflicts through out the world?
Until Next Time...
Spiral Out
1 Your Thoughts:
If you look back all through history, violence has always been the ultimate negotiator. It's a sad truth. Human beings are a form of Animal. You look at nature and the animals join groups for protection and for pro-creation. The rule only the stong survive is a reality in nature. We are not seperate from nature. The real difference is we tend to fight for ideals, fight for a reason to exist. In order for your ideal or group to survive it has to be backed up by force. Those than can back it up, usually prevail. Sad but true. That's life. It will always be that way, but it doesn't mean we don't try to be greater than ourselves. That is humanity. Aspireing to be more than the sum of our parts.
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