
DISCLAIMER- I do not pretend to be an authority on religion. I was raised, up until 11 years old, as an Evangelist. I was "saved" when I was only 10 years old. My opinions on religion come from my experiences and from being part of this crazy world. This is just my interpretation of what I think religion is to the human race.

I am not religious any way you look at it. The first question people ask me is, "Do you believe in God?" To answer that question bluntly, NO I do not believe in God. It is a personal decision that I am quite content with.

Most of my family members think I am crazy and that the sun here in California has destroyed my brain. A few years back I was sent an email from a distant cousin. In the email he stated that he wanted our family to "pray" for some of our cousins that were going over to China.

Being the smart ass that I can be I replied to the email and asked, "What the f*ck are they going to China for?" The reply I got sent me over the edge. It stated that my family members were going to China under the premise of teaching English but they were truly going over there to spread the word of Christianity.

So let me get this straight...These family members are Christians and they are going to a foreign country to teach "English". Except they really aren't going to teach English they are going to spread the word of Christianity! That is a blatant LIE! Does anyone else see anything wrong with that?

What has religion done for society? In my eyes, I see that religion has caused more harm than good. Even since the days of the Crusades, religion has killed millions of innocent men, women, and children all in the name of "God". Who's religion is right? Is it Islam? Is it Catholicism? Is it Judaism? Perhaps its Buddhism?

All I know is that religion has been used as a crutch by man to destroy civilizations throughout the world. If religion issomething that makes a person happy then by all means go for it. But what I cannot stand are those religious zealots that try and preach to me that I am going to hell if I do not "believe". How do they know? If they are still alive they have yet to see what the "after life" is.

My mom always tells me to pray and tells me that she prays for me. I often ask her what does that do for you? Does "God" answer your prayers? Her response is usually something to the effect that "God answers prayers in mysterious ways."

What ever happen to faith in the human race? Why can't we just communicate amongst ourselves and reach a common ground? Is it that hard that we need to use religion in order to reach the masses? Far to often religion is used as a "smoke screen" to get what someone wants.

There are so many things that are wrong with religion that it is hard to even put it into words.

When you got to church what do they ask you to do on a weekly basis? They pass a collection plate around for you to put money in. What is the purpose of this money? Religion should be free. There is not a requirement for you to put anything in the collection plate. However, if you don't you will get strange looks from your fellow church members. (Trust me it's happened to me and my family)

I apologize for this blog being all over the place. I have so many thoughts and opinions of religion, that at times it is hard to put it into words.

I will try and post more about my views on religion. For now you get a glimpse into my insight about religion and its affects on society.

In the end we are all going to leave this world and end up one of two ways: Either in an urn in a pile of ashes sitting atop some mantle at a family members house or we are going to be buried six feet under.

My tombstone will read:

"Is this what you wanted? Is this what you had in mind? Cause this is what you're getting"

Until Next Time

Spiral Out

6 Your Thoughts:

Asian said...

well written n witty. i myself have also started a new blog, basically about random thoughts from politics to technology to sports to humor. i will add a link to your blog on my own. visit sometime when you have free time, you will not regret it.


shiva said...

hey chad

I have written on religion on my blog too. Get there sometime.

BTW, Saw your post on blogger help whence this hit :)


shiva said...

hey again chad,

thanks a ton for that link you said you put on your page. I am looking around for some help on blog features (RSS,Analytics,any extra features blah blah ) Lemme know if I can use your expertise there. My gmail/gtalk/yahoo id is neo3theone.

Rock on. I have read your post on religion again and I get a glimpse into how a similar thought can arise in two different minds in two different countries.Striking.

Best and keep writing. I enjoy it :)

Ian Kirwan said...

Hi Chad,

Your experiences make interesting reading. It must be hard being the 'black sheep of the family'. If only they could see the insanity and dishonesty of what they are doing.

I think we are part of a rapidly growing community that is outraged by religion and can see how much better humanity would be if we could out grow it.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Your alliance is appreciated.

Ian Kirwan said...

Hi Chad,

Thanks for all the comments on my blog, you are making me look popular LOL.

I was thinking of doing a short peice on your cousins' clandestine 'assault' on China.

I figured it best to consult you first as it is linked personanly to you.


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