We have been running around the country of Afghanistan over the last eight years. There continues to be insurgents within the country that continually try to fight our young men and women, killing many of them. Instead of sending over more troops to fight this endless and useless "war", why not pull out all of our troops and see what happens?
I mean didn't the Soviet Union try to occupy the same country back in the 80's? Only to be run out by the same Taliban, (called something entirely different back then because we were supplying them with Stinger missiles and other types of ammunition), that the United States is fighting today. Here's a question that we are failing to ask ourselves: WHY ARE THE TALIBAN FIGHTING US? Is it because they hate us? Is it because they hate our way of life? Is it because they hate our ideology? Perhaps it's all of the above, but although this may sound crazy it may be because a foreign military is in THEIR country!
Think about it for a minute here. If some other country was to send troops over to the United States and they were to run around in our streets wouldn't you get a little pissed and want them gone at some point? Wouldn't you probably take up arms against the occupiers?
Now many of you out there may stop and say "well we have to fight the terrorists in their own back yard!" Come on now people if you stop bugging the damn "terrorist" in their own back yard then perhaps they'll stop bugging us? It's a novel idea I tell you. Now I know some of you are going to say that those same "terrorists" attacked us on our own soil. Well that's if of course you believe the "official" story. That "official" story has a lot of holes in it that have yet to be answered. There's a reason that there are people in the world that hate the United States. The reason is not because of our way of life or because of our capitalism. It's because "our" leaders continue to push our ideology upon other nations that could care less about having a Starbuck's on every corner or could care less about the next big hit on the XBOX 360. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, that some people in this world want to live a simple life?
The Taliban are going to continue to fight the United States military as long as they occupy their country. It's a simple matter of fact! What is another 30,000 troops going to do? Absolutely NOTHING! The only thing it will do is destroy another American family when they get the knock on the door from a Marine that says that their son and daughter was killed in action.
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