....Armed robber barons raided your home and stripped you of all your belongings except for a blue jumpsuit with your social security number on the back. Ohhh and while you were asleep they implanted you with a tiny microchip. Supposedly it has your "vital" information on it. Don't worry though your friend, Big Brother, has your best interest in mind. He will look out for you, protect you from the boogey man, and tell you how "free" you are. They also installed nifty little cameras all around the city so they can keep an eye out on you, I mean for you. They'll be able to catch the boogey man now, or perhaps Osama Bin Laden....Yes my friend you took the blue pill and just fell asleep at the wheel. I hate to be the one to break it to you but we're all F*CKED!.....

ATTENTION: To those that read this you may just think I am crazy. I am not crazy! I am not a conspiracy NUT! I am a human being that is very concerned as to where WE, as a nation, are headed. It's common sense folks. They want us to beleive everything is alright so that when the perverbial shit does actually hit the fan it will hit so fast we won't be able to say a GOD DAMN THING!. Read it folks! Try and grasp what I am saying! Everything is NOT alright! We are heading into a time that can either save humanity or destroy it... What ending do you want?
This is what goes on in my head day in and day out. I'm not going to use any sources in what I say. These are just my thoughts thrown out there on stuff that I have read, watched, and done research on.
Let's take the worst case senario that has us becoming the North American Union. Gone is our sovreignty! Gone is our Constituion! Gone is our Bill of Rights! Is this something that you want? Are you to busy consuming as much as you can and thinking that "everything" is alright, that "they" (our "elected" leaders) have our best interest in mind. It's a basic thing people.... Survival of the fittest my friends! The power elite will damn make sure that THEY are the ones that survive.
When we do become the North American Union we will, from that point on no longer be the United States of America! We will have destroyed everything that our fore fathers fought for. It is basically like spitting on George Washington's grave! The things that are happening in OUR own country right now would be considering treason in most countries. Our "elected" leaders will tell you that it is all in the name of "security" and to keep America "free".
Not to long ago our "elected" officials tried to IMPEACH a President for lying about having "sexual realtions" with a staffer. How come we don't have IMPEACHMENT hearings for a President that LIED us into a war with no end. How come we don't have IMPEACHMENT hearings for a President that signed executive orders basically abolishing the checks and balances of our own government. How come Dick Cheney was not found guilty of anything in regards to the CIA operative leak? The current administration has committed acts of TREASON! They have committed HIGH CRIMES! And yet nothing is done. We, as citizens, have allowed this to continue!
Come on now people! WAKE THE FUCK UP! Ask your "elected" official:
WHY the rest of the world hates us?
WHY we don't take care of our own problems on our own soil?
WHY we must play "world police"?
How we have enough money to spend over $500 BILLION dollars
on a war in a far away place?
And yet we cannot have health care.(Don't go running your mouth to me about how bad socialized healthcare would be. I didn't say that was the answer.) Our social security fund is running out.
Our infrastructure (roads, highways, bridges, etc.) are falling apart.
Ask your "elected" official:
WHY our deficit is at an all time high with no end in site?
WHY the United States economy is about to crash?
WHY the DOLLAR is worth CRAP?
And lastly ask your "elected" official
What do they think about the North American Union?
It is not to late people! We all can still come together! It's not a matter of who you believe in. Republican or Democrat. Cause in the end party alliance is NOT going to mattter when you are running out of food. Or you cannot afford a loaf of bread. Or a gallon of milk. We all must band together and learn how to be SELF-SUFFICIENT. Not depend on mass produced goods. It is time that we realize that THEY do not have our best interest in mind!
Wake up or you will be assimilated!
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!
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