
I began watching a movie by Alex Jones. I have yet to finish the movie but so far it is a very compelling movie. These are very interesting times we are living in. I am doing my part and trying to get the information out there, but what you decide to do with it is up to you. The world as we know it is slowly eroding away. Do you love the Constitution? Do you love the Bill of Rights? What would you do if those RIGHTS were stripped from you? What would you do if the Stars and Stripes was not OUR flag anymore? The power elite think of you as their "slave". They want to control you, but make you think that you have "freedom".

I will write more on the movie when I finish it. For the time being, I will leave with you a couple of quotes from the movie.

We shall have world government whether or not you like it by conquest or consent." -James Warburg
As quoted at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on 2/17/1950

"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller

Lastly, I leave you something termed "American Stonehenge" or "The George Guidestones". It is very interesting the things that are carved into this stone. Take a peak you may be shocked...

The Georgia Guidestones

Until Next Time!
~Spiral Out~

2 Your Thoughts:

Anonymous said...

Gosh too bad I have found your blog at this time, its too late for me to read it properly today but I shall be back tomorrow.

Mr Patch W. Adams said...

Hey is this the same blog??? Same owner right?? Looks good. I finally have part I up. Sorry for the delay. May not be what you expected but wait till the 3rd part and I'll tie it all in. You have an Interesting article. Nice work.