I just finished watching the movie Revolver. An interesting concept by Guy Ritchie ("Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" and Snatch). I'll have to watch it again in order to gain more insight into the entire movie. It is a philosophical thriller wrapped up in a mob movie. If you don't like to think when watching movies I wouldn't suggest watching this.
It has references and quotes from Machiavelli and Julius Caesar to name a few. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the movie.
“There is no avoiding war, it can only be postponed to the advantage of your enemy.” - Niccolo Machiavelli
“The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.” - Julius Caesar
"The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent.” - Fundamentals of Chess
“You friends are close, but your enemy is closer.” - The Road to Suicide
I do think that this was a good movie. It certainly is one that you need to pay attention to with no distractions in the room. It would also be a good idea to watch with a friend so you can get their take on the movie after it is done. There is a lot of philosophical stuff in the movie that is hard to soak all of it in while watching it. This is certainly a thinking persons movie. Some people may get lost while watching this and sit there with a stupefied look on their face wondering why they just sat through this movie. While others will soak it all in and begin to question their friends and even their enemies.I myself enjoy all types of flicks but I usually find myself enjoying flicks that make me think about life, politics, religion, philosophy., etc after I have watched it. Don't get me wrong I certainly do like to be entertained and love love comedies as well but I always go back to movies like Apocalypse Now and V for Vendetta.
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